Canadian Federalist Party

Faith / Religion Values


The CFP recognizes that human faith, values, beliefs, opinions and attitudes are often grounded in spiritual perspectives or religious contexts. Also, it is these human attributes that influence our understandings, knowledge and behaviours. But since these all combine to make every individual completely unique, they also represent an infinite diversity of perceptions from which to govern ourselves.

Consequently, the CFP understands that for any pluralistic nation to thrive, it must accept secular authority above spiritual authority in its' governance. Secular authority will enable us to live our lives in relative harmony, whilst spiritual authority is best left to how we govern ourselves for our lives after death.

However, every society must have moral constraints that will express an evolving human nobility and dignity. Otherwise we will collapse into the tribal genocides of past and recent history. Therefore, the CFP has adopted the Canadian constitutional heritage of Judeo-Christian morals and values shared by almost all religions as the benchmark for our secular principles and policies.


The CFP recognizes that people have a right to their personal faiths and beliefs. Some founding members of the CFP have personally chosen to have faith and belief in a loving God as the supreme creator, authority and power. Thus, in governance of this nation, the founders seek to understand and abide by God’s morals, ethics, human and spiritual values.

We recognize that although the territory of Canada was previously occupied by indigenous peoples of assorted faiths and beliefs, Canada’s constituted government and sovereignty over the land and its’ peoples has been founded upon the Judeo-Christian faith and belief that shares the same God. Consequently, the foundational moral, ethical, human and spiritual values as written in the Biblical Ten Commandments form the bedrock of the party's stewardship of this nation.


In light of the biblical principle that people are free to form their own beliefs, we believe that government is not entitled to force people to adopt the beliefs held by their political leaders. However, in situations and circumstances where beliefs espoused by the government and an individual or organization conflict with each other in a manner affecting the welfare and authority of the state, then the government’s beliefs and accordant actions must prevail. Consequently, although individuals and organizations may have different beliefs from the government, the former people must act within the constituted and common laws of the land.


The CFP acknowledges the importance of separating political and religious governance within the nation. However, individually we recognize the commonality of pluralism in society whereby people have both political and/or religious values and beliefs that may not always be synchronous with the laws of the nation. Nonetheless, we believe that it is paramount that the highest principles of governance must be based upon virtuous morals, ethics and values. The CFP derives these from Canada’s Judeo-Christian heritage.

Therefore, since an essential and foundational element of religious beliefs is focused upon life after death, and the governance of the nation is focused upon life before death, the CFP believes that the laws of the nation must super scribe any and all temporal laws ascribed by religious organizations. Thus, religious laws that contradict the Canadian Constitution, Charters, Laws and Regulations may not be forced upon their adherents in this nation. Of course, adherents may voluntarily abide by practices and traditions that do not contravene the nation’s laws.

The CFP respects the right of Canadians to participate in diverse religious practices and organizations as long as these people and organizations respect their duties and responsibilities to the nation. The CFP supports the authority of temporal laws over spiritual laws with respect to the governance and administration of society, whilst also respecting the sovereignty of spiritual laws with respect to the behavioral conduct of individuals within society. Thus, the CFP places the rule of temporal law above all whilst respecting freedom of behaviour within the law.


The CFP recognizes that morals are God’s guidelines with respect to how we should think and act towards ourselves, towards others, and towards our material/physical world. Morals have a spiritual origin that applies to all of humanity and creation.

 In a perfect world, humanity would think and act in a perfectly moral context according to God’s preferences; however, since we live in an imperfect world that is often disconnected from God’s preferences, the CFP acknowledges that temporal laws forcing moral behaviour upon all peoples would become judgmental, arduous and punitive upon society. Consequently, immoral conduct is decidedly up to God as to its’ enforcement upon the human spirit in this life and/or the next.
 Nevertheless, the CFP will take care to protect moral virtue in crafting and considering legislation whilst applying principles of forgiveness, tolerance and accountability in non-life threatening and even potentially disruptive social contexts, circumstances and situations. In life-threatening and socially disruptive contexts, circumstances and situations the CFP will choose God’s moral high ground from which to base their decisions and actions.


The CFP recognizes that ethics are human guidelines established by people to define and regulate human interaction. The CFP supports the establishment and enforcement of ethical standards as determined by various industries, enterprises and organizations within society and the responsibility and rights of these parties to adjudicate ethical matters. Of course, all ethical guidelines and standards must fall within the nation's moral guidelines and standards.


The CFP recognizes that noble human values are important to the positive development and evolution of a dynamic society within the nation of Canada. Thus, the CFP will encourage the education, development and recognition for extraordinary Canadian citizens and organizations that demonstrate and apply noble values in their character and/or livelihood.


The CFP opposes capital punishment, but in circumstances of armed insurrection, armed conflict and war, we recognize that some moral principles may be forced to be set aside in order to defend ourselves or defeat our enemies.

Canada was founded upon the Judeo-Christian faith, beliefs and values which form the cement of our culture and heritage. The CFP believes that these sources for our virtues and nobility of spirit are worthy of our primary reverance and respect in guiding our society.

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